[Meiyo - Quel'Thalas]
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 Siicarius - Death Knight

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Join date : 2009-06-11

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PostSubject: Siicarius - Death Knight   Siicarius - Death Knight I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2009 4:16 pm

-Character's name: Siicarius

-Class : Death Knight

-Race : Human for the trinket slot

-Talent spec: 0/17/54

-Link to Armory profile. (Please add explanations if necessary) : http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Quel%27Thalas&n=Siicarius

This spec I use for battlegrounds. I know alot of people spec into amz but I see no reason to as of yet (Seeing as all Im doing at the moment is pugging battlegrounds).

-What is your Resilience? : 676

-Do you have reasonable gear for any other specs than your present one?: No I only pvp on this character, and the only raids I do are the pug ones which require very little gear to complete.

-Age : 22

-Nationality : UK

-Do you understand/speak english fluently? : I like to think so.

-Do you have a stable connection? : Indeed.

-Do you have Ventrilo? : Of course.

-What are your usual playing hours (CET)? : mainly nights and before 16.00. I work shifts so it depends on my rota at work.

-Previous PvP Experience( What is your highest Arena rating?, Lifetime kills?) : To be honest the majority of my experience comes from my warlock (Purple) horde side. Havnt played much arena this season but im starting to get back into the swing of things. Got Legionnaire (whoop dee doo I sound like some kind of french soldier) back in the day and am exalted with the 3 factions (I know, big achievement now!)

-Guild History (Only major guilds, and why you left) : Currently in some small leveling guild that I joined off trade channel (Im a classy guy) and before that unguilded. Horde side ive been in Mortality, Risen and One Wish. Im currently in Synergie now however doing some casual raiding.

-Reasons for wanting to join Meiyo : I rerolled alliance on my own and I have no interest in anything other than PvP. I would like to get some premades going and hopefully find an arena partner. Having trouble finding one, as I pretty much know no one alliance side and am unwilling to find a partner in the same way I found my guild Smile
Im also getting fairly frustrated joining games to be ridiculously outnumbered, hopefully some kind of premade action can remedy this.

-Anything else you might want to share with us? Sure why not. Im a lovable (Nothern) Irish man who plays too much World of Warcraft and is also into Warhammer 40k (Tabletop based strategy game).
My character name is actually based of a marine seargent from this game called Sicarius and Purples name derives from a paint colour that the company produces 'Warlock Purple'. Just a fun couple of facts for you there Razz

Anyway, I know Im missing a couple of items in the shape of a ring and a nceklace, but Im working on it. Il also be replaing the hateful hateful set with upgrades once I set foot in the area at long last.

Siicarius // Purple
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Doriath (GM)
Doriath (GM)

Posts : 63
Join date : 2009-03-05
Age : 34
Location : Netherlands

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PostSubject: Re: Siicarius - Death Knight   Siicarius - Death Knight I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2009 7:01 am

Good apply !

I will /w you in game
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