-Character's name: Findutch
-Class : Mage
-Race : Gnome
-Talent spec: PvP frost [20/0/51] and PvE FFB [0/53/18]
-Link to Armory profile. :http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Quel%27Thalas&n=Findutch
Lola and thaati are slackin in 3v3. Blame them!
-What is your Resilience? : In current gear set I use for 3v3 thats 635 resi.
-Do you have reasonable gear for any other specs than your present one?: Naxx 25ish PvE gear.
-Age : 18
-Nationality : Dutch
-Do you understand/speak english fluently? : Yes/Yes
-Do you have a stable connection? : Yes.
-Do you have Ventrilo? : Yes
-What are your usual playing hours (CET)? : Depends on the situation but in short: I play plenty.
-Previous PvP Experience( What is your highest Arena rating?, Lifetime kills?) :
1800ish in S4 as Mage/rogue, 1818 with WotLK prepatch as Mage/Warrior, Been arround 1800ish with lola and paintime in 3's aswell. getting close to 25k honorable kills.
-Guild History (Only major guilds, and why you left) :
GRIM --> disbanding.
-Reasons for wanting to join Meiyo :
I'm looking to join an active PvP guild to get me a little bit more active in the PvP part of the game again.
-Anything else you might want to share with us?
Minz is funny wenn he's nerdraging on me, you've gotta see it once